This bespoke solution allows you to connect two Cash Drawers to one Receipt Printer/POS Terminal.
Provided your software settings are configured correctly you will be able to “fire” either cash drawer individually or both at the same time.
The Splitter Cable solution is particularly useful in scenarios where a receipt is not always provided for each transaction, eg. bars/pubs and nightclubs. Therefore, if the Splitter Cable solution suits your business, for a relatively small outlay you could potentially save a significant amount by using a Splitter Cable rather than having a separate Receipt Printer at each point of sale.
The actual Cable length is approximately 30cms end-to-end (may vary depending on stock availability) and facilitates two RJ11 (Epson) inputs at one end for each Cash Drawer plus one RJ11 plug at the other end which plugs into the rear of your Receipt Printer/POS Terminal.